Saturday, August 13, 2022

Photopost Request: Assumption 2022

Our next photopost series will be for Monday’s feast of the Assumption; please send your photos of celebrations in either the EF or OF to for inclusion, and be sure to include the name and location of the church, and any other information you think important. As always, we are very glad to include photographs of celebrations in the Eastern rites and the Ordinariate rite, as well as Vespers and other parts of the Divine Office, blessings, processions, the vigil Mass etc. Evangelize through beauty!

From last year’s first Assumption photopost: the traditional blessing of herbs and flowers at Old St Patrick Oratory in Kansas City, Missouri, celebrated by a newly ordained priest of the Institute of Christ the King.
From the second post, a procession with a statue of the Virgin Mary at the Sanctuary of the Assumption in Calasca, Italy, accompanied by a local honor guard which has been active since 1622.

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