Last week,
we reported on Raymond Cardinal Burke taking possession of his titular church. Over the last weekend, two other prominent cardinals took possession of their titular churches. On Friday, 11 February, His Eminence Antonio Cardinal Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, took possession of the deaconry of St. Mary in Aquiro. On Sunday, 13 February, His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo, took possession of the Title of St. Lawrence in Lucina (this basilica minor is also the station church of the Friday after the third Sunday of Lent). Here are some photographs. Note that on both occasions, full pontifical vestments were worn, and what has become known as the "Benedictine altar arrangement" was used. Papal Master of Ceremonies Msgr. Marco Agostini acted as Master of Ceremonies in both cases (as well as for Card. Burke).
Card. Amato:

Card. Ranjith:

Images: Osservatore Romano/Catholic Press Photo.