Monday, May 13, 2024

New Printing of the Pre-55 Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A splendid announcement to make in Our Lady's Month of May, and on this day dedicated to the Fatima apparitions!

Roman-Seraphic Books has created a new edition of the Traditional Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in accordance with the rubrics of the St. Pius X 1910 reform. This edition seeks not only to preserve but to rejuvenate a venerable form of prayer that has been the Marian Prayer par excellence of the Mystical Body for many centuries.

Featuring Gregorian Chant notation for each hymn, this edition facilitates common and public recitation. The chant notation is rendered with the usual Solesmes markings, allowing both the seasoned choir and the novice chanter to partake in this beautiful offering of praise to the Mother of God.

Accompanying the text are exquisite illustrations for each canonical hour, inviting the faithful into a visual meditation on the mysteries of Our Lady’s participation in the Passion of Our Lord, and the Mysteries associated with each Hour.

For more information and to order, visit this website.

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