Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Pictures of Churches in Prague from Fr Lew (Part 2): the Cathedral of St Vitus

Earlier this month, we shared two posts of images by our long-time contributor, photographer extraordinaire Fr Lawrence Lew, the first set related to one of the city's patron Saints, John Nepomuk, and the second a selection of images from several different churches. Today we return to the cathedral of St Vitus, where St John's relics are kept. The church was begun in 1344, the third on the site, but was not actually completed and consecrated until 1929. It is, of course, full of artworks and side-chapels, and could easily merit a blog of its own, but Fr Lew captures some of its most salient features very beautifully, as always.  

The external view of the apse.
A mosaic of the Last Judgment on the outside.
The main façade

Stained glass windows of the first part of the 20th century, showing the conversion of the early Bohemians, those who bordered the Germans, and were thus baptized by Latin rite bishops, as opposed to those converted by the early missions of Ss Cyril and Methodius.
Some of the decoration in the chapel of St Wenceslaus, who has been officially a co-titular of the cathedral along with St Vitus, the original patron, and St Adalbert, since 1997.
The altar of the Visitation in the apse; the feast of the Visitation is first attested in Prague in the 1380s.
The tomb of St John Nepomuk.

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