Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Photos of Solemn Pentecost Mass Offered by Newly Ordained FSSP Priest (Part 2)

On Monday, I published the first part of this set of photos of the first Mass of Fr Isaac Lind, which he offered on Pentecost Sunday. He was ordained for the Fraternity of St Peter on May 26th along with two others, Frs Quinn Gomez and Evan Schwab. Here is the continuation of the series, starting from the Offertory. Thanks once again to Mr Ron Lawson for sharing these beautiful images with us.

21. Preparing to incense the offerings.
22. Since this is the priest’s second Mass ever, the deacon, as a kindly older brother, is reminding him of the order of incensation, which is rather elaborate.
In case anyone is wondering what “order of incensation” refers to, here’s a diagram from a Roman Missal with all the indications:

23. ...incensation, continued...
24. The deacon incenses the priest. By now the subdeacon has the paten, which he has covered in the humeral veil and is holding up before his eyes, blocking his view of the unfolding mysteries. Note the servers waiting at the edge of the sacristy to emerge for the Lavabo.
25. At the Preface. Note the servers on the opposite side, ready to re-enter with incense and torches.
26. At the Hanc igitur when the priest places his hands over the offerings as the priest in the Old Testament put his hands on the victim’s head. (There is, of course no “consecratory” Epiklesis of the Holy Spirit in the Roman Rite.)
27. Making one of the dozens of signs of the cross, all of them symbolic (cf. Barthe, “Forest of Symbols.”)
28. “My Lord and my God.”
29. The priest tilts the chalice slightly and whispers the words of consecration, including Mysterium fidei.
30. “Remember, Lord, Thy creatures, whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy Precious Blood.”
31. From the consecration all the way until the ablutions, the priest holds his thumb and forefinger together.
32. One of the eight kisses to the altar given in the Roman Rite.
33. Come, Holy Spirit...
34. At the sign of peace. It is especially beautiful to see it being given between brothers.
35. Some of the schola at the communion rail. Everyone has their head bowed. That’s one thing I've noticed about the Latin Mass: people really pick up on the body language and it becomes very meaningful.
36. The altar card in front of the tabernacle has been removed and the deacon has taken out the ciboria for communion. The Confiteor is chanted at this time by the deacon and subdeacon.
37. Ecce, Agnus Dei...
38. The priest gives Holy Communion to the deacon and subdeacon first: all according to hierarchical rank, for our God is a God of order (cf. 1 Cor 14, 33).
39. Two things I love about this photo: first, the young father carrying his newborn, with the image of St Joseph carrying the Christ Child right behind him; and the array of women, one veiled, one bareheader, and one with a bonnet. The server is Asian and the first girl is African-American. Who thinks we don’t have diversity at the Latin Mass?
40. It’s the subdeacon’s job to fold things up and restack the chalice and paten after the ablutions, while the priest says the Communion antiphon and chants the Postcommunion.
41. The deacon chants the Ite, Missa est.
42. Final blessing.
43. The Last Gospel; the subdeacon holds the altar card for the priest, as earlier he held the Gospel book for the deacon.
44. When all the ministers are gathered in formation, we chant the Te Deum in thanksgiving for the newly ordained priest.
45. And what’s more appropriate, after thanksgiving, than some sweets for Pentecost?
46. Congratulations, indeed!
47. Fr. Lind gives first priestly blessings to some of the young men of the chapel.
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