Saturday, December 24, 2022

Gaudete Sunday and Rorate Mass Photopost 2022 (Part 5)

Even with our fifth Gaudete Sunday and Rorate Mass photopost of this year, we still aren’t finished; the record-breaking sixth post will appear shortly after Christmas. Once again, our heartfelt thanks to everyone who sent these in, and don’t forget to have your cameras ready for Christmas and the following feasts. We wish you all a most blessed and peaceful Christmas Eve - today you shall know that the Lord will come, and in the morning, you shall see His glory.

Church of the Assumption – Nashville, Tennessee
Our Lady of the Valley – Easthampton, Massachusetts
Sacred Heart – Lincoln, Nebraska
Tradition will always for the young!
St Theresa the Little Flower – Memphis, Tennessee
St Mary’s Catholic Church – Loughborough, England (Rosminian Fathers)
Sacred Heart of Jesus – Oss, The Netherlands
St Mary’s the Virgin – Arlington, Texas (Ordinariate)

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