Friday, July 09, 2021

The Abbey of Pomposa (Part 3): the Museum

We conclude this brief series of Nicola’s photos of the abbey of Pomposa with a few items from the museum, which is housed in this section of the buildings around the cloister, the former monastic dormitory.
Ionic capitals made of Proconnesian marble in the 6th century, likely despoiled from a building in Ravenna and reused for the building of the previous abbey in the later 9th century. This is a particular kind of design called “a imposta” in Italian, an early Byzantine innovation in which the capital and its base are carved as a single piece.

Pieces of a marble balustrade from the original church, one carved in the 7th century...
and two others in the 11th century.
A section of fresco work from the intrados of the triumphal arch of the apse, 9th-10th century.
A section of fresco representing a battle between Judah Maccabee and King Antiochus, from the 2nd half of the 15th century.

A section of fresco from the outside of the church, also from the second half of the 15th century.

Holy water font, 15th century.
A funerary inscription of the 7th century, which was later reused as the threshold of a door.

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