Monday, August 31, 2020

A New Lecture Series on Eastern Catholic Theology

This Thursday, the Lumen Christi Institute and the Godbearer Institute will begin jointly presenting a series of webinars on “Eastern Catholic Theology in Action.” This first of these lectures, “Introduction to Liturgical Mystagogy”, will be given by Deacon Daniel Galadza, whose work we have featured here before. His talk will explain how the liturgical tradition of Jerusalem developed hymnography as a way to explain the meaning of the Church’s sacramental life to the faithful during the services, an exegetical commentary on Scripture and the mystery of salvation in Christ. The lecture will begin at 7pm Central Time (8pm EST) is free and open to the public: register here via Zoom.

Dr Galadza is currently a fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies at the University of Regensburg in Germany, and a member of the UGCC’s Patriarchal Liturgical Commission in Kyiv. His research focuses on the historical development of liturgy, particularly the Byzantine Rite, as well as modern and contemporary Orthodox and Eastern Catholic worship and church singing.

Other upcoming lectures in the same series:

September 10: Andrew Hayes (Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston) – A Theology of Wonder: An Introduction to the Poetry of Ephrem the Syrian
September 17: Robin Darling Young (CUA) – Christ the Lover of Mankind: Philanthropia, Mystery, and Martyria in Eastern Christianity
September 24: Alexander Laschuk (Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies) – Eastern Churches, Latin Territories: Ecclesial Catholicity and the Notion of Diaspora
October 1: Erin Walsh (Univ. of Chicago) – Expanding the Archive: Syriac Literature and the Study of Early Christianity Today
November 12: Archbishop Borys Gudziak (Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USA) – Quo Vadis: The Direction of Eastern Catholic Theology, a Pastoral Perspective for the 21st Century

The Second Vatican Council urged the Eastern Catholic Churches to cultivate and promote their unique share of the tradition; this series responds to that mandate and features leading scholars in the field to offer their theological perspectives drawn from the wisdom of Christian East. In view of broadening our understanding of the Catholic intellectual tradition, this series draws attention to the vantage points of Christians who worship, think, and pray in continuity with the first 1,000 years of the undivided Church.

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