The gates of heaven were laid open to Christ’s blessed martyr Stephen, who was the first found in the company of the martyrs;
* and therefore he triumpheth crowned in heaven.
V. For he was the first to render back to the Savior the death which He deigned to suffer death for us.
And therefore he triumpheth crowned in heaven.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
And therefore he triumpheth crowned in heaven. (
The eighth responsory of Matins of St Stephen)
The martyrdom of St Stephen, from the Bedford Hours, ca. 1430 |
R. Patefactae sunt januae caeli Christi Martyri beato Stephano, qui in numero Martyrum inventus est primus:
* Et ideo triumphat in caelis coronatus.
V. Mortem enim, quam Salvator noster dignatus est pro nobis pati, hanc ille primus reddidit Salvatori.
Et ideo triumphat in caelis coronatus.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.
Et ideo triumphat in caelis coronatus.