Monday, October 29, 2012

Calming the Storm

One of our readers comments, on this day in which many of our readers (and this correspondent) on the eastern seaboard of North America are starting to bear the brunt of Hurricane Sandy, to remind us that:

[T]here are a wealth of Masses "pro variis necessitatibus" that can be used on ferial days such as today. Particularly apt would be "Ad Repellendas tempestates", #18 in the Extraordinary Form and #37 in the Ordinary Form.

The Extraordinary Form has a proper Collect, Secret, and Postcommunion:

ORATIO. A domo tua, quæsumus Domine, spiritales nequitiæ repellantur: et aeriarum discedat malignitas tempestatum. Per Dominum nostrum.

SECRETA. Offérimus tibi, Dómine, laudes et múnera, pro concéssis benefíciis grátias referéntes, et pro concedéndis semper supplíciter deprecántes. Per Dóminum.

POSTCOMMUNIO. Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui nos et castigándo sanas et ignoscéndo consérvas: præsta supplícibus tuis; ut et tranquillitátibus hujus optátæ consolatiónis lætémur, et dono tuæ pietátis semper utámur. Per Dóminum.

The Ordinary Form has only a proper Collect, particularly well-rendered in the new English translation:

COLLECTA. Deus, cuius nutu universa obœdiunt elementa, te supplices exoramus, ut, sedatis terrentibus procellis, in materiam transeat laudis comminatio potestatis. Per Dominum...
Obviously, also, a votive mass for rain would be contra-indicated. I also might remind our readers that in medieval Europe, church-bells were rung to ward off storms and indeed, this pratice is mentioned in passing in the blessing for bells contained in the old Roman Ritual (here, from the 1964 translation):
At its sound let all evil spirits be driven afar; let thunder and lightning, hail and storm be banished; let the power of your hand put down the evil powers of the air, causing them to tremble at the sound of this bell, and to flee at the sight of the holy cross engraved thereon.
Lastly, let me say that our prayers go out to those who will be in the path of the hurricane and those already touched by it.

Image: St. Nicholas calming the storm (Wikimedia).

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