One of our readers in Philadelphia pointed us to some beautiful pictures of a Solemn Mass offered on that day in the church of St. Paul's, Philadelphia, which also included a procession and benediction with and veneration of a relic of the True Cross.
The celebrant was the pastor of St. Paul's Church, Fr. Gerald Patrick Carey; the deacon was Fr. Richard McFadden of St. Charles Borromeo Church, Cornwells Heights; and the sub-deacon was Friar David Spencer from the Monastery of Our Lady of Mercy.
(Photos courtesy of Mr. Thomas Rudolph.)

Procession with a Relic of the True Cross

We are always delighted to receive photos from our readers of liturgies offered either in the usus antiquior, the modern Roman liturgy, or the various other Western and Eastern rites of the church. Please do continue to send them our way. Your stories help to provide interest and hope to many people.