Friday, December 17, 2021

Gaudete Sunday and Rorate Mass Photopost 2021 (Part 2)

For our second Gaudete Sunday and Rorate Mass post, we have photos from four different countries, including Spain, where the feast of the Immaculate Conception is traditionally celebrated with blue vestments. Special kudos go to the photographers of the Rorate Masses here! There will definitely be at least two more posts in this series, so there is always room for more - please send photos to, and remember to include the name and location of the church, and any other information you think important. Prope est jam Dominus; venite, adoremus!

St Mary of Redford – Detroit, Michigan 
St Anthony of Padua – Calgary, Alberta (FSSP)
Old St Mary’s Oratory – Cincinnati, Ohio
Photos by Mr Miguel Patag, from his page The Church Wanderer
Capilla de la Virgen de los Remedios – Jerez de la Frontiera, Spain
Courtesy of Una Voce Sevilla. Also notice the collars of the deacon and subdeacon, a typically Spanish ornament.
St Cuthbert’s Chapel – Edinburgh, Scotland (FSSP)
Courtesy of Mr Sam Ho
St Anthony of Padua – Buffalo, New York
Courtesy of Amy McGuire and Una Voce Buffalo
Immaculate Conception – Cleveland, Ohio
Solemn Mass for the church’s patronal feast, followed by a Eucharistic procession and Benediction. Courtesy of Mr John Paul Volkenant.

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