Friday, December 24, 2021

Gaudete Sunday and Rorate Mass Photopost 2021 (Part 5)

With our last Gaudete Sunday and Rorate Mass photopost of this year, we surpass last year’s record with the same number of posts (five), but more photos and more churches (almost 50), in twelve countries and fifteen American states. Once again, our heartfelt thanks to everyone who sent these in, and don’t forget to  have your cameras ready for Christmas and the following feasts. We wish you all a most blessed and peaceful Christmas Eve - today you shall know that the Lord will come, and in the morning, you shall see His glory.

St Mary’s Catholic Parish – Helsinki, Finland
The following four sets all come from one of our favorite photographers, Allison Girone. I wish we had room to include every one of the many beautiful images she sends our way, but that would required a whole separate blog; I did here include here one particularly nice shot, even though it’s off topic, of a veil at a wedding ceremony.

St Mary – Conshohocken, Pennsylvania (FSSP)
Gaudete Sunday
Rorate Mass
Tradition will always be for the young!
St Patrick – Wilmington, Delaware
Mary, Queen of Peace – Cleveland, Ohio
Congratulation to Anthony and Maria - feliciter! (See this recent article about the use of the care cloth at weddings.)

Monastery of the Holy Cross – Chicago, Illinois
Church of St Francis of Assisi – São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Procession on the feast of the Immaculate Conception
Cathedral of the Assumption – San Francisco, California
We posted some photos yesterday of this Rorate Mass celebrated by His Excellency Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, but I accidentally overlooked a second set sent in by Mr Robert Graffio.

St Therese the Little Flower – Memphis, Tennessee
Decorations of the Lady-altar for the feast of the Immaculate Conception 
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Gaudete Sunday
Rorate Mass
St Mary of Mount Virgin – New Brunswick, New Jersey

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