Thursday, October 04, 2012

New Work by Aidan Hart

Speaking of the Orthodox Arts Journal, I was interested to see an article over there by Aidan Hart of a new wall painting of Christ in Glory which he did in Shrewsbury, England.

Here is what Aidan has to say in part:

In August I completed a wall painting on the east wall of my medieval parish church, The Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Fathers, Shrewsbury, England. On some of the other walls there already exist simple medieval wall paintings, dating from around 1380 A.D., but the east wall was newly plastered during recent restoration work and was therefore free for a new painting.

The image depicts Christ in glory, flanked by two six winged cherubim and surrounded by the four living creatures who represent the four Evangelists. The Biblical inspiration for such depictions are the visions recorded in Isaiah 6:1-7, Ezekiel 1:4-12, and Revelation 4:6-8.

Stylistically the secco is a union of Romanesque and Byzantine influences. The overall scheme of Christ in a mandorla with the four living creatures is a theme commonly depicted in Romanesque wall paintings in France and Spain. More specifically, I adapted the four living creatures from the Bury St Edmunds Bible (created about 1135 A.D.), and Christ’s tunic from the stained glass windows in Canterbury Cathedral (1180-1207 A.D.).

You can read the rest there, but here is a detail of his new work:

I also cannot help but share this image here, also taken from his post, which shows a medieval Spanish fresco:

Beautiful all around.

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