Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday 2024

A blessed Palm Sunday to all our readers - don’t forget to send your photos to!

When the people had heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took palm branches, and went forth to meet Him; and the children cried out, saying: This is He that is come for the salvation of the people. He is our salvation, and the redemption of Israel. How great is He whom the Thrones and Dominions go forth to meet! Fear not, O daughter of Sion; behold thy King cometh to thee sitting upon the colt of an ass, as it is written. Hail, O King, Creator of the world, who art come to redeem us! (The second processional antiphon of Palm Sunday.)

The Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, ca. 1530, by the Flemish artist Pieter Coecke van Aelst (1502-50), or workshop. (Public domain image from Wikimedia Commons.)
Aña Cum audisset pópulus, quia Jesus venit Jerosólymam, accepérunt ramos palmárum: et exiérunt ei obviam, et clamábant púeri, dicentes: Hic est, qui ventúrus est in salútem pópuli. Hic est salus nostra et redemptio Israël. Quantus est iste, cui Throni et Dominatiónes occurrunt! Noli timére, filia Sion: ecce, Rex tuus venit tibi, sedens super pullum ásinae, sicut scriptum est, Salve, Rex, fabricátor mundi, qui venisti redímere nos.

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