Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Corpus Christi 2019 Photopost (Part 4)

After a break of a few days, we return to our photopost series of your Corpus Christi liturgies, but we still haven’t quite finished, and there will be a fifth and final post later this week. With this one, we include two celebrations that were not of Corpus: a Mass and Procession for the feast of the Sacred Heart from one of our regular contributors, Mater Ecclesiae in Berlin, New Jersey, and a solemn Mass for the feast of St John Fisher in the diocese of Rochester, New York, of which he is the Patron Saint. As always, our thanks to everyone who sent these in.

Old St Patrick’s Oratory – Kansas City, Missouri (ICKSP)
St Stephen – Kearny, New Jersey
St George – Belloy-en-France
St Jude – Pearl, Mississippi
Mater Ecclesiae – Berlin, New Jersey
Mass and Procession on the feast of the Sacred Heart
Holy Comforter – Charlottesville, Virginia
Ss Philip and James – Phillipsburg, New Jersey
First Mass of Fr Joseph Illes, ordained the previous day - ad multos annos!
St Francis of Assisi - Phelps New York (Diocese of Rochester)
Solemn Mass on the feast of St John Fisher, Patron of the Diocese.

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