Monday, November 19, 2012

Requiem for the Departed Souls of the House of Savoy

Over the years we have mentioned an Mass which is celebrated in Santa Maria ad Martyres (i.e. the Pantheon) in Rome in relation to the Savoy family there and in association with the "Movimento culturale Rinnovamento nella Tradizione" and the"Associazione Mafalda e Giovanna di Savoia."

The Mass was offered, as usual, for the souls of all the departed souls of the House of Savoy. In attendance was Principe Amedeo di Savoia, his wife, Principessa Silvia, and Principessa Maria Gabriella di Savoia. At the end of the Mass, Principe Amedeo, accompanied by relatives and by civil and ecclesiastical authorities, laid a wreath at the tomb of King Vittorio Emanuele II.

The Mass was celebrated by Don Riccardo Petroni, a priest of the diocese of Rome.

Here are some photos which are copyright Luca Schirano, and printed with the permission of

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