Sunday, February 21, 2021

The First Sunday of Lent 2021

Ecce nunc tempus acceptábile, ecce nunc dies salútis: commendémus nosmetipsos in multa patientia, in jejuniis multis, * Per arma justitiae virtútis Dei. V. In ómnibus exhibeámus nosmetipsos sicut Dei ministros, in multa patientia, in jejeniis multis. Per arma justitiae virtútis Dei. (The first responsory of Matins on the First Sunday of Lent.)
R. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation: let us commend ourselves in much patience, in much fasting; * by the armour of righteousness of God’s power. V. In all things let us commend ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in much fasting. By the armour of righteousness of God’s power.

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