Monday, October 14, 2013

Dominican Rite Calendar with Additions and Corrections

I am pleased to be able to make available at Dominican Liturgy on the left sidebar the corrected and expanded text of the Dominican Rite Calendar for 2014.  The readers who sent corrections and help have my profound thanks.  Not only have some minor errors been corrected but the a number of commemorations, in particular of ferials in Advent and Lent have been included.

There are now also lists of the particular feasts for the dioceses of San Bernardino  CA, Las Vegas NV, and Mexicali in Mexico, where our Western Dominican Province has houses.  The last of these doceses will interest more than just those living in Mexicali, as the list includes all feasts proper to all of Mexico, of which there are a large number.  And they would also serve for the traditional Roman Rite.

Again, thanks to all the readers that helped with this.

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