Tuesday, January 30, 2024

NLM Quiz no. 24: Who Is This Saint?

Can you explain who this Saint is, what has just happened to him, and what makes it interesting? (Click on image to enlarge.) I have a couple of hints to offer. 1. His story is pertinent to the liturgical season which we entered this week. 2. He is not on the general calendar, or in the breviary, but his story is told in the Church’s liturgy, without giving his name.

Please leave your answers in the combox, and feel free to add any details or explanations you think pertinent. It has been quite a while since our last quiz, so as a reminder, to keep it more interesting, please leave your answer before reading the other comments. Special awards are given for Best Wildly Incorrect Answer and Best Humorous Answer as well. Using Google image search is cheating – I may never know, but God will. The answer will be given in a separate post tomorrow.

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