Friday, June 21, 2013

Come to Our Blognic in Rome! Update and Correction

Since three of the writers of NLM will be in Rome during the Sacra Liturgia conference next week, (our new editor, Jeffrey Tucker, David Clayton and myself) we thought it would be fun to get together with other people in town for the conference. It will be a very informal affair, no speeches or lectures beyond "Hello" and "Have a drink", on the evening of Tuesday June 25th, starting about 8 p.m., after the first event of the conference is over. Hopefully, this will be a chance to meet people from a variety of places who share your interest in the liturgy, people you might not otherwise get to meet; if you are in Rome, you are welcome to attend the blognic, even if you aren't going to the conference itself.

Please note: when this was first posted, I wrongly listed the time as 8 a.m. We will of course be meeting at 8 p.m.

The venue has been confirmed, but it is still useful to have a headcount, so please leave me a message, however brief, here in the combox, on the NLM facebook page, or via my email address listed here on the left side-bar under my name. (

We are getting together at a bar/restaurant called the Open Baladin, on the via degli Specchi, 5/6. The easiest way to get there is to walk from the Largo Argentina up the via Arenula towards the Tiber. The first piazza on the right is called the Piazza Benedetto Cairoli; as you enter the piazza, the church of San Carlo ai Catinari is on your right. Opposite the facade of the church is a building called the Palazzo Santacroce; just walk down the narrow alley on the right side of that building, and the Open Baladin is at the first cross street.
Hope to see you then!

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